If you’re looking for a flooring option that makes a statement, look no further than PrimaPorcelain’s quartz tiles and paving slabs; they are high-quality stone flooring materials that can lend an extra touch of class to any space. They can be used in both indoor and outdoor environments and come in tasteful neutral tones of Sunlight, Moonlight and Nightfall that subtly accent the colours in any space.

These large format quartz tiles and paving slabs are not simple slabs of cut stone, but carefully constructed made of natural materials that are both environmentally-friendly and optimized for attractiveness. To a casual observer, they look just like traditional stone, but the porcelain techniques used to shape them ensure that they end up becoming a far more honed and refined finished product than would otherwise be possible. The finely marbled colours on the tiling still look organic, but they are evenly dispersed to ensure a uniform look all the way across the space where the tiles are installed.

Beautiful though they are, PrimaPorcelain's quartz tiles are not just ornamental. The surface of the 0.8mm thick tiles is fine textured and snag-free with a slip-resistant quality that makes them safe and pleasant to walk on. Their robust nature makes them perfect for patio or walkway use, since a little regular cleaning and maintenance should keep them in excellent shape even in the face of significant exposure to the elements. They also stand up well to indoor use and are much less prone to warping and degradation than luxury wood flooring that creates a similarly grand look. Quartz flooring options look very impressive and almost decadent, but in truth, they are also a practical choice as well.
PrimaPorcelain’s line of large format (120 x 60cm) quartz tiles and paving slabs are on SALE with a 20% discount!
Select from our stunning Sunlight, Moonlight and Nightfall shades.
Call 029 2080 3756 or request a FREE Sample today!