Anyone that has ever attempted to renovate their outdoor space will know that the art of creating a great looking garden is a real skill.
Imagination, creativity and ambition can see your garden go from plain old plot to superstar social spot in no time. Meanwhile, poor design, shortcuts and lack of planning can just as easily see a solid idea disintegrate into disaster.
That being said, with so much choice and variation on the market, it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to garden design. Just as similarly, it can be hard to know where to finish.
To help you out with the latter, here’s a quick rundown of the best ways to edge out the competition with garden borders that will leave your outdoor design with a finish that’s truly complete.

Patio Borders
From choosing the size and picking out your tile design to settling on the coverage area and how you want them laid, creating a paved area that has real wow-factor is a lot harder than it seems.
One area in particular that is often overlooked until the last minute is the patio borders. Seen by some as a non-essential extra, a great border can instantly upgrade an average paving finish to a truly awesome looking patio.
For a partially paved garden, this can be a fantastic way to transition from patio to lawn without making a harsh cut from one to the next. Meanwhile, it can also be the perfect way to incorporate an additional tile design to the overall aesthetic of your patio.
Lawn Edging
Similar to patio borders, lawn edging is essentially a way of bordering the perimeter of your grass area. This technique is commonly used to separate the central grass from a soil area of plants and flowers surrounding the lawn.
While this can be done in a variety of ways – including wood, metal and brick edging – a commonly overlooked method is the paving option. Stone-look slabs can be utilised to great effect as a means of adding additional light and colour between the lawn and the soil, while raised paving provides garden borders that are rich in depth and dimension.
Raised beds also make for a fantastic lawn edging option, creating a garden border that is well defined and accentuates the plants above the lawn. If using stone or brickwork to create the raised bed, topping this off with a unique paver is the perfect way to add a stylish unique finish.
Garden Paths
Paved pathways are a fantastic way to break up your garden space in a simple yet aesthetically pleasing manner. Best of all, there are a myriad of ways to do so, from pebbles to gravel and everything in between.
One of the most popular options is the paving tile route, creating notable departure from the grass. However, as the contrast between paver and lawn can be quite harsh, a fantastic way to temper that deviation is to include a border tile to soften the blow.
Similar to patio borders, this is the perfect opportunity to explore a different tile design and enhance the existing tile used for the path. It also gives you the opportunity to explore different levels and potentially incorporate other garden features, like flower beds, pebbles and plants.
Poolside Paving
A unique feature in UK gardens, swimming pools can be a wonderful addition to any British property. If you have or are considering adding one to your home, a suitable border can set this off a treat.
Border paving around a pool is the perfect way to round off your wondrous water feature. From raised edging to contrasting colouration, the paving route is the perfect garden border for your outdoor pool, definitively separating your poolside from the rest of the garden flooring.
Whichever garden design option you happen to have in your property, PrimaPorcelain can provide a fantastic edging option that truly borders on perfection. For more information, call 029 2080 3756 today or click below to request a FREE sample.
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