Feast your eyes on this spectacular outdoor living space - created using our very own 20mm Marble White porcelain paving slabs!

Our 20mm PavingPlus Cotswold Ivory outdoor tiles have a variegated appearance that's perfect for gardens and patios. One customer who chose this product recently sent us a glowing review along with several photos of his new and improved outdoor living space - as you can see, he installed our Cotswold Ivory paving slabs in several different locations throughout the garden, and the results are truly lovely!

The patio in the image above belongs to Mr and Mrs Barnish, and we're proud to say that they used our gorgeous Quartz porcelain paving to create it. We think that the subtle, stony shades look rather lovely in the summer sunlight (those pink flowers are rather pretty too!) and if their review is anything to go by, the Barnishes are over the moon with their new and improved outdoor space.

The couple say they chose Out 2.0 porcelain paving slabs over concrete because of their "impervious nature" an "the ability to lay them dry on the adjustable pedestal system" (not to mention the fact that they "look very nice"!) It's worth mentioning that the Barnishes didn't take porcelain's resilience for granted. Before placing their order, they requested a free paving sample and put our porcelain to the test: "We tested a sample with curry, red wine and tea bags to make sure they really were stain resistant. It just wiped off."

As you can see in the photograph above, the big challenge of this project was paving around the wooden posts that already existed in the Barnish back garden. "Laying the Refin was very straightforward," said Mr Barnish, "the only complication being cutting out the recesses for the oak posts. I used my diamond disc bench top tile cutter, which is quite adequate; you just need to be patient, as the Refin is considerably thicker than internal porcelain tiles."
But even this time-consuming task failed to put the brakes on what was generally a very simple and speedy installation process. The Barnishes enthused that "laying the Refin was a dream", praising the dry installation process in particular. And it sounds like Refin's versatility will continue to be a huge plus for the family; Mr Barnish noted that "if I ever need to make a change, it can all be lifted very easily. We even joked about taking them with us if we move house!"

All in all, then, this was a very successful project. The results are stunning - just take a look at this picture of the house as it now stands - and everybody involved seems to be more than happy with how things have gone. The testimonial from Mr and Mrs Barnish reads like it was written by two very satisfied customers; they especially like the "quartz colour and the slip resistant texture".
We could spend hours telling you how great our OUT 2.0 porcelain paving is, but why take it from us when you could hear what one of our customers has to say on the matter? Ian Harrison lives in Llangollen, a small town in North Wales, and he recently added some Limestone Champagne paving slabs to his home's balconies. We're pleased to say that he was thrilled with the results, but once again, you don't have to take our word for it. Here's what Mr. Harrison himself had to say:

What a glowing review - thanks Ian! OUT 2.0 paving slabs are perfect for outdoor areas like balconies and patios; if that review didn't convince you that porcelain paving is the right way to go, take a look at these photos that Mr. Harrison sent us once he'd finished laying his tiles:
A porcelain-tiled balcony is perfect for an outdoor seating area.
Cool and comfy-looking!
If you feel like bringing this magnificent porcelain style into your living space, the first step is to order our free sample pack. Limestone champagne, as seen in the photos, is a fine choice, but don't worry if it isn't quite to your tastes because we've got plenty of other great paving colours to choose from. With any luck, your outdoor area will soon look as lovely as Mr. Harrison's does!